JLSZY-35Kv high-voltate Outdoor Epoxy Resin Casting Combined Transformer

JLSZY-35Kv high-voltate Outdoor Epoxy Resin Casting Combined Transformer

Description of JLSZY-35Kv Combined Transformer This high-voltage combined transformer, also referred to as a metering tank, is designed for three-phase circuits with AC 50Hz and a rated voltage of up to 35kV. It serves applications in voltage, current, and energy measurement, as well as protective relaying. The product is particularly suited for urban and rural […]

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Description of JLSZY-35Kv Combined Transformer

This high-voltage combined transformer, also referred to as a metering tank, is designed for three-phase circuits with AC 50Hz and a rated voltage of up to 35kV. It serves applications in voltage, current, and energy measurement, as well as protective relaying. The product is particularly suited for urban and rural outdoor transformer substations, as well as industrial enterprises.

Additionally, this model can integrate active and reactive energy meters for comprehensive monitoring, making it an ideal replacement for traditional oil-immersed combined transformers. Its epoxy resin insulation enhances durability, anti-aging performance, and resistance to ultraviolet radiation, ensuring long service life in diverse environments.

Type Designation of JLSZY-35Kv Combined Transformer, JLSZY-35Kv Outdoor Epoxy Resin Casting Combined Transformer producs show

Type Designation of JLSZY-35Kv Combined Transformer

JLSZY-35Kv Outdoor Epoxy Resin Casting Combined Transformer type

This type designation offers a clear breakdown of the functional and structural features of the JLSZY-35kV combined transformer.

Construction of JLSZY-35kV Combined Transformer

The JLSZY-35kV transformer features an outdoor epoxy resin casting type with a wholly-sealed and post-type mechanism. By adopting advanced epoxy resin casting, this transformer provides multiple advantages such as resistance to electric arcs, UV radiation, and aging, ensuring long service life.

Key construction details include:

Technical Data for JLSZY-35kV Combined Transformer

  1. The combined transformer complies with the provisions outlined in GB20840.4-2015 (“Combined Transformer”).
  2. The current transformer adheres to GB20840.2-2014 and GB20840.1-2010 (“Current Transformer”).
  3. The voltage transformer conforms to GB20840.3-2013 and GB20840.1-2010 (“Voltage Transformer”).
  4. A zinc oxide arrester must be installed within one meter of the transformer’s installation location to ensure effective lightning protection.
  5. For detailed PT and CT parameters, please refer to the following technical tables.

Voltage Transformer Technical Data

Type Rated Voltage
Ratio (V)
Accuracy Classes Rated Output
Limit Output
Rated Insulation
Level (kV)
JLSZY-35KV 35000/100 0.2 30 500 42/95/195
0.5 50

Current Transformer Technical Data

Type Rated Voltage
Ratio (A)
Output (vA)
Rated Short-Time
Thermal Current(kA)
Rated Dynamic
Current (kA)
Rated Insulation
Level (kV)
JLSZY-35 5~200/5 0.2S 10 100 I1n 2.5 I1th 42/95/195
0.2 10

Note: For the JLSZY-35kV Combined Transformer, if you have specific requirements regarding transformer parameters such as current ratio, accuracy class, or customized dimensions, please contact our technical team. We offer tailored solutions to meet your unique operational and application needs.

Outline and Dimensions of Installation

JLSZY-35Kv Outdoor Epoxy Resin Casting Combined Transformers outline installation

JLSZY-35kV Combined Transformer Outline and Dimensions of Installation

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